CDI Labs Services for

Autoantibody Seromics

To better understand diseases, it is important to study the precise molecular-level targets recognized by the adaptive immune system.


Explore the Role of Autoantibodies in Disease Etiology, Disease Progression, and Therapeutic Outcomes

Autoantibody seromics is the study of the autoantibody reactome, which is the network of interactions, pathways, and cellular effects driven by autoantibodies - antibodies produced by the immune system that mistakenly target and attack the body’s own tissues and molecules. Autoantibodies may arise due to chronic inflammation, infections, malignancies, or tissue damage, and their effects can extend beyond traditional autoimmunity. In fact, the study of the autoantibody reactome is central not only to the understanding of autoimmune diseases, but can also provide critical insights into many non-autoimmune conditions, including neurological diseases, cancer, infectious diseases, genetic diseases and various cardiovascular conditions.

CDI Labs offers two approaches for studying the autoantibody reactome:

  • The HuProt™ Human Proteome Microarray contains over 21,000+ full-length, folded 3D proteins, representing the most comprehensive collection of proteins available today for conformational binding studies.
  • HuScan® and MouseScan™ services, offered by CDI Labs Canada, use Phage ImmunoPrecipitation Sequencing (PhIP-Seq) which is a powerful method of multiplexed analysis that combines next-generation proteomics with high-throughput DNA sequencing. These assays allow for the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of thousands of peptides, and can identify specific peptide or protein sequences recognized by antibodies, offering detailed insights into antigenic epitopes.

CDI Lab Services are provided under a stringent quality control process (cGMP/GLP) that ensure the accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility of all results.

Antibodies Come in a Variety of Forms Called Isotypes

Depending on the isotype, antibodies can promote cell killing, protective immune tolerance, or help educate T cells.

Antibody Types Figure