Where can I find the full range of proteins on the HuProt microarray?
For the full list of proteins by name and category please visit the resources section here:
How are the full-length proteins attached to the glass surface of the microarrays?
Standard HuProt microarrays are printed on nitrocellulose coated PATH™ slides. Other surfaces may be available, depending on your needs. The proteins are not bound/attached to the slide by any tags. Therfore, the proteins are randomly oriented allowing for the entire protein to be availbe for binding. Please contact us to discuss further.
Is new content added to the HuProt microarray on a regular basis (e.g. every 6 months)?
We periodically add new proteins to the array when new full-length cDNA clones are made available.
Are all proteins printed in equal amounts on the HuProt microarrays? Are proteins that are normally abundant in the cell normalized to levels similar to the less abundant?
At present, the amount of each protein on the microarray is not normalized, and varies depending on the protein level expressed in yeast prior to purification. In some rare cases, the protein levels may be low if the expressed protein is toxic to the yeast cells.
Approximately how much of each protein is spotted on the HuProt microarray?
Other than controls, the proteins on HuProt are not normalized, however the average protein concentration is ~0.15 mg/mL. Each protein aliquot is printed in duplicate with 100 picoliters (pL) volume per protein spot.
Are membrane proteins represented on the microarray? If so, is there some detergent present?
The HuProt microarray contains thousands of membrane proteins. The protein printed on the arrays is eluted using a buffer that contains 0.03% TritonX-100.
The array is spotted with full-length protein containing GST tags. Does that affect the conformation of proteins with transmembrane domains?
We extensively evaluated the folding of many non-membrane proteins on the HuProt microarray (see However, we did not perform detailed analysis on the folding of membrane proteins. The full protein content on the HuProt arrays can be found at the top of this page. If you have specific interest in membrane proteins, please consider the VirD™ Membrane Protein Virion Display Microarray which displays proteins embedded in a cell membrane. VirD and HuProt microarrays can be combined in a single service offering from CDI Labs.
Have the arrays been tested for pH tolerance? For example, I am interested in studying post-translational modifications, which work best at a higher pH > 8.0.
All our proteins are eluted in a buffer of pH 8.0–pH8.5 and should work well for studies of post-translational modifications.
Have different buffers been tested on the HuProt microarray?
Our arrays have been used successfully in a range of different buffers to study serum profiling, protein binding, DNA binding, RNA binding, compound binding, kinase assay, acetylation, SUMOylation/ubiquitinylation, etc. Please contact us to discuss specifics regarding your assay and buffer.
I am new to protein array work. Are slides with just the control spots available for pre-testing and practice? It would be nice to also practice scanning before using actual HuProt microarrays.
We currently don’t offer test arrays that contain just control spots, however you can practice the steps in your assay with a standard glass microscope slide prior to using the HuProt microarrays. Regarding scanning, the GenePix Pro software has an “auto-PMT” function which can automatically evaluate the required PMT gain values for fast and easy optimization of signal intensity and channel balance.
I would like CDI Labs to add some proteins that are not printed on the HuProt microarray to my order. How much protein should I send to CDI Labs?
Please send at least 10 µL of protein–the protein must have a concentration of at least 200 ng/µL. We will dilute the protein to 100 ng/µL in the printing buffer and then print it on the HuProt microarrays ordered. An additional fee is charged for this service. Please allow additional time for these customized arrays to be shipped to you.
Can the HuProt microarrays be stripped and re-used? I don’t require active proteins for my study.
We do not recommend stripping as it could affect the protein quality.